202 Liberty Strollway St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101


Strollway Pedestrian Bridge

The first land bridge in North Carolina

North Carolina native and internationally acclaimed landscape architect Walter Hood designed the Strollway Pedestrian Bridge. Hood’s design was inspired by the concept of a land bridge, a natural formation that connects two land masses. In Winston-Salem, Hood applied the land bridge concept to an urban setting. The bridge reunites the bygone cities of Winston and Salem, which merged in 1913, but were divided once again when a highway was built in 1958. Like the High Line in Manhattan, this bridge creates a remarkable green oasis experience in an urban setting using native planting beds and ornamental trees to line the pedestrian walkways. It also reconnects downtown to the surrounding neighborhoods and businesses. The Strollway Bridge is a gem along the 1.2 mile bicycle and pedestrian path that runs north to south.

Project Costs
Total Cost: $1,414,940
Funded by the Private Sector: $980,000